Speed reducers are mechanical devices generally used for two purposes: to multiply the amount of torque generated by an input power source to increase the amount of usable work and to reduce the input power source speed to achieve desired output speeds.
Estabilshed in 1990, Kel-Tech Electric Canada Ltd. aims to always have products of superior quality. This includes their Optidrive, which protects the transmission from going into reverse when driving.
Established in 1990, Kel-Tech Electric Canada Ltd. aims to always have products of superior quality. This includes their stainless Steel and Aluminum Motors.
Estabilshed in 1990, Kel-Tech Electric Canada Ltd. aims to always have products of superior quality. This includes their gear reducers, which are designed to increase the torque and reduce load speed of electric motors.
This year, OEM Industrial is attending PMMI's 2016 international trade show, the PACK EXPO.